Technology in the Kitchen

It is an exciting time for home chefs and catering professionals, with more and more technology appearing in the kitchen. There are refrigerators with video monitors on their doors, and computers inside them, telling cooks what is inside them and the use by date of the produce. Home chefs can look up recipes online and/or order necessary ingredients. It is a great use of space in the kitchen and a smart combination of appliance and digital device. You can have a large digital time display, which can act as an alarm for the precise cooking of particular dishes as well.

Technology in the Kitchen

Digital technology is impacting positively in today’s kitchen. Delicate cooking of ingredients like fresh fish can be done in cryovaced pouches, which are then steamed or poached at high speeds. There are ovens that have multiple types of cooking functions, which include steaming, poaching and turbo charged convection heating. Thermomixs are popular in both domestic and commercial settings, because they control the process and can be set and forgotten. The blast chiller and the cook chill system is another technological shift that is capturing the imagination of chefs in the twenty first century.

Infrared cooking has started to become the new buzz in culinary technology, especially for grilling. This radiant heat form of cooking generates much higher temperatures far more quickly. 370 degrees Celsius in just 7 minutes., which means searing meat, locking in the juices and after a short rest – super tender flesh. This is fast cooking and very suitable for commercial requirements. Super-duper home barbeques in the US are, now, featuring Infrared Grills. The BBQ has become a new outdoor kitchen, in many ways, as it is a cooking appliance with heaps of bells and whistles.

Technology through the smartphone allows home chefs to easily set up a kitchen renovation online. You can browse through thousands of images of incredible kitchen designs and pick and choose the elements which grab you. Kitchens are the new black and continue to be the most renovated room in the house, right around the globe. Kitchen make-overs are very affordable these days, as well. There really is no excuse for having a dysfunctional kitchen in your home in 2017. Cooking is fun if you have a groovy, well-appointed and designed kitchen in which to cook up a storm or two. Get some terrific technology in your kitchen and the sky is the limit, when it comes to brilliantly prepared meals at home.